Avoti: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/07/the-cloud-light-a-thunderstorm-in-your-house/
Someone is excited for this colorado blizzard currently happening!
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on
Come on mom and dad you're embarrassing me. Happy Halloween! 🎃🐾
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on
Stick = Toothbrush, right? 📷: @sarah_michelle_lawrence
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on
Beyond ready for some new mountain adventures! Photo: @hunter_lawrence
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on
Never take yourself too seriously! Yes, I have my own hiking boots 🐾 Photo: @hunter_lawrence
A photo posted by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on